A Pearl and Her King: A Love Story Across Two Americas
by Pamela Ruben
In the 21st century it is almost impossible to imagine falling in love and marrying someone who does not speak your language. However, in the 1950s, when a young couple shared an attraction, marriage was the inevitable next step. Hurdles, big or small, were expected to be overcome—even those lost in translation.
In June of 1958 18-year-old Perola Krutman and 25-year-old King William Halikman said their “I do’s,” in Portuguese and English, respectively. Pearl confesses that the early years of her marriage were bound together by the Portuguese-English dictionary (and vice-versa). More importantly, the newlyweds, though not speaking the same language, did speak the same dialect: love. As they shared the phraseology of young love, they developed their own system of communication.
And thus, began a 60 plus year journey…Fulfilling the family destiny of coming to America, Pearl Halikman is the “Forest Gump” of Florida’s Space Coast. From her start on the beaches of Brazil, arriving in Florida at the dawn of the Space Race, this young bride and mother lived in and became part of Space Coast lore.
An entrepreneur, businesswoman and master hairstylist in a time when most women stayed home, Halikman bravely opened her own salon, just as NASA had a partial shutdown. With chutzpah and old-fashioned grit on her side, Pearl became hairstylist to the stars, with astronaut and celebrity clients having a blast in her chair. While her innovative Hairstylist in Space (HIS) Program never quite left the ground, humorous clips from the news media remain.
Later, gaining fame as a variety show co-host, she was known as the witty and outrageous Ms. Copacabana.Halikman gained national prominence, starting a wig bank for cancer survivors.
Picking up a paintbrush at 70, the award-winning artist started yet another colorful chapter.
Putting family first, the on-the-go mother and grandmother balanced her work life with her role as caregiver to family members aged 2 to 102.
With her Brooklynite husband, King, at her side for more than 60 years and across two Americas, Halikman has shown that love and purpose know no boundaries. In the biography “A Pearl and her King,” writer Pam Ruben paints the perfect picture of how two people from different countries and who don’t even speak the same language, can fall in love and make their way in life together.
Pearl Halikman is a woman ahead of her time who proves it doesn’t take a formal education to be a success — only lots of chutzpah, faith, and grabbing hold of golden opportunities. King William Halikman is Pearl’s lead man who “goes with the flow” in every adventure Pearl undertakes.
Pearl and King were reinventing themselves long before reinventing became a necessity for many today. Their inspiring life together can be captured in the instruction Pearl gave the grandson when she gave him a painting lesson: “Paint from the heart and go with the flow.”Christine DeSouzaEditorHeritage Florida Jewish News
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Pamela Ruben
Additionally, Ruben has written series for young readers on timeless topics such as bullying, doing the right thing (Could a Penguin be a Mensch?), and the value of friendship. Her anti-bullying book Don’t Pick on Pepper was a resource tool for the Central Florida schools. The writer/journalist is a contributing writer to local magazines and newspapers including the Florida Heritage Jewish News and 50+FYI Magazine (cover writer).”