ATHLETE! I’m Talking to YOU!
by Andrew Simpson

You are NOT alone. Studies show 30-50 percent of student-athletes experience burnout.
Their struggles are always making headlines. But the “blame game” that points fingers at coaches, parents, and even society only works to create more problems.
The mental health of athletes reached an all time low in 2022. Once those stories started showing up in the news, I knew a movement was needed to ENCOURAGE, EMPOWER, and EQUIP athletes–like you–to TAKE BACK CONTROL.
If you’re an athlete who struggles with confidence, comparison, and identity…
If you’re a parent or coach who is eager to help your kids shift from struggling to thriving…
If you’re an athlete who is eager to dominate whatever you do on and off the field…
Then THIS book is for you.
Start focusing on the right things by tapping into your superpower and harnessing your MINDSET.
Let’s prepare you to TAKE BACK CONTROL.
Ready to Learn More?

Andrew Simpson
10 years ago I stumbled into a career that I have loved ever since. Coaching and mentoring student-athletes to become better in all aspects of life. Not just as an athlete, but as a person.
2016 I recognized my efforts were short-sighted. “Get them bigger, stronger, faster, and mentally tougher.” Sprinkle in a little motivation and inspiration and call it a day.
One morning I received a phone call from a frantic parent– “My daughter can’t get out of her own head. She self-sabotages on the court when she makes a mistake. If coach pulls her she loses her cool. Can you help her!?”
Essentially, her daughter was only equipped to handle life when life was going her way. I realized right then and there that even the kids with 4.0 GPA’s who were All-American athletes are subject to the same thing. They need life lessons. They need mindset coaching. They need to be coached from the heart so that they develop and blossom from the inside out. They need love-powered mentor-leaders to pour into them and to be fully committed to seeing them thrive.
When that happens and only when that happens, they can finally start climbing towards their highest potential on and off the field.
Leadership is my message. Love-powered leadership. As a parent, coach, boss, employee, athlete, or student…how can you have better influence? Lead yourself well, then lead others. Seek to serve not to be served. Live your life from faith, not fear. Make wise decisions through prayer and counsel. Do the right thing even when you do not feel like it. Leadership is influence. And everything rises and falls on leadership.