The Future of the Fitness Industry


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Here’s what you are going to get:


Individualized coaching to help you write your chapter


Accountability to get it done


Guarantee that you will become a bestselling author


Ability to purchase books at a discounted price to use any way you’d like


Marketing tools you can use to promote the book on social media


Step-by-step instructions through the entire publishing process

Reach More Clients

If you’re ready to build your business, then being a part of this collaborative book is a great opportunity. It will help you build your authority and ultimately, expand your client base.

Create Additional Revenue

Being a published author allows you to develop new revenue streams for your business. Sell books, create coaching programs, get paid to speak on stage… there are many ways to use a book to create additional revenue.

Be a bestselling author

We guarantee that this book will be an Amazon bestseller which will expand its reach and build your authority.

Get all the writing help you need

Writing may or may not be your thing, but don’t worry, we will coach you through this process every step of the way and we have great editors

Working together to make an impact is the name of the game for you.
You have always wanted to write a book and at this point in your life you don’t have the time to commit to write it the way you know it needs to be done.