Faithful A Spiritual Medium’s Journey Beyond Fear

by Michelle Paulson

Jun 11, 2021 | Books

Ghost aren’t scary, but they are real. In Faithful, Michelle Murnin Paulson’s first memoir, she shares her journey of authenticity and spiritual mediumship. Even though, Michelle has been visited by spirits since she was three years old, she didn’t start to accept her gifts until her late twenties. In her effort to lead a more authentic life she decided to reveal her secret: she could see, hear, and feel spirit. Faithful is an intimate look into Michelle’s life, what she has learned about mediumship, reconciling her relationship with God and the lessons she has gleaned from spirit over the last four decades. Michelle believes she works for spirit and her job is to help give them a physical voice to share their messages with their loved ones. Michelle hopes by sharing her personal experiences, client readings, and knowledge about the after life from spirit it will be bring peace and comfort to those still living a physical life. Souls are infinite, love doesn’t die and we are surrounded with support from our heavenly loved ones all the days of our lives.

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Michelle Paulson

Michelle Paulson


Death is a part of life and heaven is not unreachable. Heaven is all around us and our loved ones try to communicate with us each day. Michelle Murnin Paulson knew from the age of three that there was something different about her. She has had spirit communications her entire life, but didn’t work to develop them until she was in her twenties. Michelle defines her gift as the ability to speak and translate soul. She believes she works for spirit and does her best to take their messages and deliver them to her clients. During sessions Michelle gives a physical voice to loved ones in spirit, spirit guides, and guardian angels. Her goal is to help her clients learn to better understand messages from spirit and hopefully bring comfort and peace to all parties involved. When she isn’t delivering spirit messages she is spending her time with her husband and four children. Besides her family, she loves reading, writing, coffee, and converse.