From Polished to Print
You did it!
You actually wrote the first draft of your book. What a bear, right? It’s like running a mental marathon for months, even years, and realizing that you still have a ways to go.
Now what?
Flying back and forth between excitement and exhaustion has you wondering what the best next steps are to take. This is your pride and joy, and you want to be sure it gets in the right hands in order to finish the process.
We totally understand.
We’ve been there. That’s why we’re the exact people you want on your side to make sure that all of the late-night writing sessions, missed family get-togethers, and tough conversations were worth it.
From Polished to Print is the program for you if you want to make sure that the time and energy you’ve devoted to writing your book was worth the sweat and tears that hit your keyboard.
From Polished to Print includes:
Our team of editors will proofread your manuscript, word by word to ensure that the words flow and correct any spelling and grammar errors that happen during the writing process.
We will polish the interior of your book to create a visual and satisfying experience for your readers from the cover page to the final page.
Book Cover
We have some of the best designers in the world. We work closely with our cover designers to provide you with a cover you’ll be proud to share with the world.
We’ll also set up a second version of your book to be available on tablets and phones.
When your book is completed it will be registered with the United States copyright office. It will be assigned all ISBN and bar codes required for retail distribution. You will own all of your content and the royalties.
One of the advantages of utilizing a self-publishing company is that you own the full rights to your book. This creates the opportunity for you to market your book the way YOU wish. We’ll provide a document with multiple avenues of promotion.
Ready to officially advance from aspiring author to published author?
Fill out the form below and let’s get started!
Scriptor’s From Polished to Print is our most popular program.
Created by bestselling authors, Kelli Watson and Greg Justice, you’ll get personalized publishing services to make sure that your book is Polished before it goes to Print.
This program is designed for anyone who is ready to publish their dream book.