Lessons From the Nest: A Parenting Love Story
by Kristy Caruso

Each of us has our own story, embedded with the treasures and tribulations that give life meaning. Becoming a parent and raising children is a sacred responsibility, a journey of love and letting go that can often serve as the central axis from which one’s life stories unfold. In the fleeting years when children are still in the nest, parents make infinite choices about how to raise their little birdies so that they may fly away with everything they need to ride the waves of life with confidence and resilience.
Lessons from the Nest is a collection of musings, memories and reflections of one woman’s journey through parenthood. From the unexpected news of pregnancy at a young age, to the moment when the nest emptied out, Kristy Carsuo shares the lessons woven into the fabric of her experience and the various ways of being she instilled in her boys while raising them. Lessons is a love story, written by a mom to her birdies.
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Kristy Caruso
Kristy Caruso lives in upstate New York with her high school sweetheart. When she’s not teaching yoga, she enjoys growing things and laughing with friends and family.