Living My Better Life: Finding Freedom in Healing
by Katie Shugars
Throughout my pain, shame, and fear, I found myself healing from grief, trauma, and toxic thought patterns and behaviors. For someone who thought there was no hope in escaping the darkest pit of my life, I found freedom in healing.
I believe long ago God placed a purpose over my life: to change lives. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I hope to make the room a little bit brighter. I hope others are inspired to heal by the telling of my story.
I’m convinced that no one is actually “living their best life” because we can all heal, grow, and learn from our experiences. As you read my story, you’ll see my life and difficult healing journey on display, in hopes that it encourages you to seek healing in your life.
More than anything, I want to see you live your better life.
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Katie Shugars