Pain Free Life: Eliminate Chronic Pain

by Travis Perret

Do you have back pain, knee pain, shoulder or hip pain?

Would you like to get back to the active lifestyle you once lived before you had chronic pain?

If you answered yes to either of those questions this book is for you! Pain-Free Life is a revolutionary new book by corrective exercise specialist Travis Perret on how to fix chronic pain and live an active life where you feel younger and more energized.

The Pain-Free Life Program described in this book is a step-by-step corrective exercise approach that will help you start the process of eliminating chronic pain without drugs, surgeries, or expensive equipment. It is an easy-to-follow program that you can do in the comfort of your own home that focuses on postural exercises and functional movements to help you feel better and move better. From his 20 plus years of experience working with clients, Travis has outlined what you need to know about fixing chronic pain issues.

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