She Said the “P” Word
by Secily Wilson
Listen as Kelli interviews Secily
She said the P word: If you ever wondered if what you say matters, simply ask veteran broadcast journalist, Secily Wilson. She’s built her entire career using the power of her words. In fact, it only took one to bring the king of comedy to his knees.
Throughout the pages of this book, Secily takes you on a journey of endurance, strength and courage that helps unleash the power of your words. There’s little she hasn’t survived.
Two strokes didn’t stop her.
Divorce didn’t derail her.
She lost her job, and found her passion.
She is a woman who overcomes through sheer willpower and continues to defy the odds! Life happens to everyone and sometimes it’s not what you had planned. Adversity is the kryptonite that takes over to destroy, paralyze and strip you of your voice.
With her red cape and purple stilettos, Secily gives you hope, inspiration and a little laugher in the face of despair. She is a real life superhero with a message of perseverance, purpose and passion. Proof that “what you SAY is just as important as what you DO.
When you’ve been knocked down and counted out, there’s only one response……get back up and Say the “P” Word!!
Ready to Learn More?

Secily Wilson
Fast forward to today, Secily is a mother, grandmother, Mrs. Florida International 1999 and founder of WOW (Women Overcoming with Willpower) Legacy Group, a growing Central Florida non profit with a mission to empower, educate, encourage and inspire women facing life adversity. Her philanthropic work is done through the organization’s Fall into Fabulous empowerment program. Secily is an active member of the greater Orlando community, volunteers with a variety of organizations throughout the region, including the Rotary Club, the American Heart Association’s Circle of Red and National Association of Black Journalists. She is passionate about stroke awareness and curbing domestic violence.
Secily is proud to add Author to her list of credentials. In her new book, “She Said the “P” Word”, Secily takes you on a journey of endurance, strength and courage that helps unleash the power of your words.
From Secily Wilson’s appearance on It Just Takes One
“I lost my home, lost my job and all these things and I’m like literally not knowing what to do. And I was encouraged to drive Uber and in Immediately I’m thinking, I’m not driving Uber. Do you know who I am? That pride word is the death of you.”
“Perseverance. My p word is so important in my life, and throughout my trajectory. And so writing about that, and then also writing about my divorce, someone that I love dearly, my college sweetheart, the father of my children, my life totally took a turn that I was not expecting.But when I shared my story, perhaps there’s a bit of me that someone else, some other woman, some other child, who may have been going through some sort of abuse, who have may experience a divorce. Maybe they can see themselves in me and say, wait a minute, I remember what she said, I remember how she got through it. I can do it, too.”
“It’s my story. It’s not pretty, it’s not perfect, but it’s the truth. And truth always prevails.”
“I pulled up the story in archives, and I looked at the symptoms, slurred speech, check, word vision check, recurrent headaches … I think I’m having a stroke. And that’s exactly what it was. And I had to learn how to speak again. It took me about six weeks to go through speech therapy to regain my voice quality.”
“What am I going to write this book about? And then I started thinking, Wait a minute, everybody says, oh, aren’t you the girl that said the P word on TV. And I’m like, oh, wait a minute. She said the P word. But for me, that P was not about penis. That p was about purpose, about power about the pain that I was going through.”
“All it takes is one, it’s that one yes. After all the no’s that you’ve been given for whatever the reason, it only takes one. And if you decide to quit, before you just decide to take that next step of step, just one step. That one step could be that you’re that far away from your next.”
“I’ve been given my voice back. And I want to use it intentionally to inspire and influence the world. And so what’s next for me is to enjoy this moment. The right here, the right now. And whatever God has next for me, is what he has for me. Fantastic.”
“Each time I get up every morning, there’s another opportunity for me to get it right. I may fall off the wagon again. But you know what, the next day, I’m one step closer to getting it right.”