STORRIE: Practitioner to Wholistic Wellness Coach – The Next Wave

by Dr. Christine Manukyan

Oct 13, 2022 | Books, Health

The true experiences of medical professionals who have joined the WHOLISTIC WELLNESS REVOLUTION to bring lasting healing through Wholistic Wellness instead of treating every ill with a pill.

Wholistic Wellness is the practice of returning to our natural sate of health by adopting a lifestyle that supports the body’s innate ability to heal and thrive. Real healing starts from within.

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Christine Manukyan

Christine Manukyan


Dr. Christine Manukyan is a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Business Coach, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Top-Rated STORRIE™ Podcast host and mother of two. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America as a Clinical Pharmacist with various leadership roles. After experiencing her own health transformation with Functional Medicine, losing 100+ lbs and becoming a natural bodybuilding athlete and marathon runner, she found her true calling empowering others to reach their health goals without pharmaceuticals. Dr. Christine has helped more than 300 clients transform their health.

She is a frequent speaker on holistic lifestyle choices, creating a virtual business, founder and entrepreneur mindset and creating multiple income streams. She’s spoken in front of audiences numbering 15,000+ and has been recognized globally for her entrepreneurial achievement and dedication. Her magazine features include PharmaSis Magazine for female pharmacist entrepreneurs, health and wellness publications, and she is a BRAINZ Magazine Executive Contributor, including BRAINZ 500 Global recognition.

Dr. Christine is passionate about coaching burned-out medical professionals struggling to balance family, career and their health to take control of their life and career and create a profitable virtual practice with her signature 12-months certification program: Functional Medicine Business Academy™.

She believes everyone deserves a second chance to rewrite their STORRIE and become the best version of themselves.