Trees of Fire

by Nick Tognietti

Jun 10, 2024 | Biographies, Books

From the time of late 2021 through half of 2024, I was in the hardest season of my life. I was being oppressed with the oppressions of Pharaoh (Exodus 1), and had all different forms of witchcraft coming against me from every direction. However, the more the evil one attacked me, the more I overflowed with revelation in the Scriptures, and the more power in the Holy Spirit I was accompanied with (Exodus 1:7-12, Mark 16:20). During a time of praying in tongues in April of 2022 on our farm in Iowa, I received an open-eyed vision of what God was wanting to do in the earth, and it was completely surrounded around the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. I had been baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire in April of 2018, and I had preached on this countless times, and had seen it over and over again with power and great glory. I had studied this concept in the Torah of Moses and found it repetitively, and something I realized was, the Torah of Moses says the Messiah will not return again until His bride has been baptized in the Holy Spirit, and is moving with power.

I began to ask the Father during this time, “Father, why do some people get baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire when I pray, and some don’t?” This was a mystery to me for about four years. He finally started to reveal the answer, starting in Acts 2, back to Exodus 19-20, then to Genesis 22, Leviticus 1 and Leviticus 9, Ecclesiastes, and then with the building of the Tabernacle in the book of Exodus. I found the keys to what I had been seeking for years. As I began sharing this with a pastor who has been ordained for over 60 years at a wedding in Iowa in June of 2022, he was absolutely amazed, and said to me, “Nick, will you be writing a book on this?” At that moment, a fire burned within me, and it was a message from heaven that needed to be given in the earth, as Moses saw the Tabernacle in the heavens and was told to build in the earth what he had been shown in the heavens (Exodus 25:9, 40, 26:30, 27:8).

This is the most comprehensive book I could even imagine as it relates to the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire, for John the Baptist said, “I baptize you with water, but there is One coming after me, and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” In this book, I explain directly from the Scriptures the concept of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, why some get it and some do not, as well as everything that it is needed for, including the anointing, how to cast out devils, how to become mighty in the Spirit (Luke 1:80, 2:40), how to tangibly walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, how to discern the voice of God, how to recognize forms of witchcraft, how to be trained for war as David says twice in the Psalms (18:35, 144:1), and much more. After reading this book, you will be on fire, kindling others around you in the flame of the Holy Spirit.

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Nick Tognietti

Nick Tognietti


Nick Tognietti was born and raised in Katy, Texas. He gave his life to Yeshua in 2017 at 23 years old. He became a certified Evangelist in April of 2018 through the renowned Reinhard Bonke’s “School of Fire,” and was ordained as a Pastor in October of 2018 under Pastor Lester Speights. Nick began learning Hebrew in July of 2019 under Izzy Avraham at Holy Language Institute and graduated in May of 2020. Within weeks he began his weekly YouTube series Ta’alumot B’Ivrit Secrets in Hebrew, where Nick would show secrets of the Jewish Messiah all throughout the Torah and Tanach (Hebrew Bible). Nick later self-taught to be a Biblical Hebrew scholar as well as teaching himself Biblical Aramaic. He graduated as the top student from the largest Messianic Yeshiva in the world, studying directly under rabbis, learning Torah, Jewish thought, and rabbinic literatures. Nick has furthered his studies, obtaining his doctorate under Dr. Paul Speights at Theos Spiritual Institute. His ministry and goal is to serve as a bridge between Judaism and Christianity, and show very clearly from the Torah of Moses and the rest of the Scriptures that this will hasten the coming of the messiah Yeshua.