Ready to take the next step?

Ready to officially advance from aspiring author to published author?
Set up your FREE thirty-minute phone consultation with us today. 

Step 1: Fill out the form below
Step 2: When you click the Submit button you’ll be taken to our calendar.
Step 3: Choose a time and enter your information

Still have some doubts about the call?

Here are a few things we will talk about on the call.

  • We’ll discuss your book idea in detail.
  • We’ll get clear on your goals.
  • We’ll also discuss the impact and legacy your book will have on the reader.
  • Finally we’ll help you figure out if a book investment is right for you.
  • This is not a sales call.
  • If what we provide is not a good fit for your dreams, we are happy to suggest other avenues for your book dreams.